CoJDS’ Curriculum Development–A Closer Look
January 17, 2022Q & A with the Menahel Week 1
July 12, 2022Head of School
The Yeshiva K’tana of Waterbury is seeking to create a new position of Head of School.
We are looking for a highly qualified individual with strong chinuch leadership experience who can lead a fast-growing school to even greater heights, while maintaining our hashkafic and academic standards. The Head of School will be responsible for creating and furthering a unified vision and strategy. The Head of School will be leading a student body of over 800 children, across three distinct divisions (Pre-school, Girls, Boys) and a staff of over 115.
The Head of School is responsible for the overall vision and quality of the school and will be answerable to the Board, but has the ultimate responsibility for the school, staff, and students.
– Educational Leadership
o In coordination with the Moreh Derech, establish the educational vision of the school.
o Direct and guide the school leadership team and school staff to achieve the school’s strategic and operational priorities consistent with the school’s mission and objectives.
o Ensure that curricula are up to date with latest educational standards and innovations, and are in compliance with local, state, and federal regulations.
o Advise the Board of general school affairs and works with the Board, Board Committees, and individual trustees.
o Promote and foster an environment in which teams work collegially and harmoniously; manage and mediate conflict between individuals and groups.
o Direct and guide the school’s leadership team in development and implementation of innovative programs and strategies. Participate in appropriate committees and work groups, as required.
o Oversee the academic activity within the school; identify key improvement priorities for areas of academic activity and ensure they are actionable; continues to bring innovation and excellence throughout the campus.
o Select educational evaluative tools that monitor and promote continuous improvement in Limudei Kodesh and general studies.
o Ensure there is clear curriculum articulation among and between the grades.
o Support the division heads in the formulation, planning, and implementation of a staff development program for school personnel.
o Oversee the menahelim and principals in the process of monitoring the progress of all students.
o Oversee the resource room department and ensure there is enough support for all the divisions.
o Monitor trends in student performance and adjust policies to improve performance.
o Ensure an effective special education programs.
o Oversee the equitable enforcement of discipline, as necessary.
o Oversee the proper implementation of registration, screening, placement, evaluation, promotion, and retention policies.
– Operations & Administration
o Facilitate the Board, and school leadership in developing annual goals and a strategic plan for the school.
o Oversee the development and implementation of internal operational plans to achieve school’s goals.
o Monitor progress toward achieving operational and financial goals and communicate objectives and expectations to all staff.
o Provide the Board with necessary information to make policy and to evaluate programs.
o Ensure facilities and technology priorities are aligned with goals that enhance the educational product.
o Ensure proper coordination between departments, as needed.
o Oversee the management of the school’s financial affairs.
o Develop and oversee the implementation of human resources and student policies and procedures that foster a work environment exhibiting high levels of professionalism, teamwork, and productivity.
o Support the school leadership in recruitment, evaluation, professional development, and, when necessary, termination of staff.
– Communication, Recruitment & Community Engagement
o Oversee the development and implementation of strategies to promote a cooperative spirit among the school’s personnel and parents to enhance the educational and social climate of the school.
o Oversee recruitment and retention of families.
o Represent the organization at relevant meetings and public functions.
o Oversee acquisition of volunteer talent from the community to further the educational goals of the school.
– Fundraising
o Clearly articulate the successes and challenges of the School to harness support from stakeholders.
o Work with Executive Director and Director of Development in executing a coordinated fundraising strategy to sustain the financial base of the school.
o Participate in solicitation meetings as needed to close gifts.
Please send resume to Rabbi Heshy Glass at [email protected]