Individualized support system tailored to each institution's distinctive character.
The Consortium of Jewish Day Schools (CoJDS) is dedicated to the empowerment, development, and improvement of Jewish day schools across North America promoting best practices and using traditional Torah values as our guide. Established in 2002 as a collaborative union among day schools principals, CoJDS today encompasses educators from many schools across the U.S. and Canada, providing a powerful forum for continuous collaboration towards the realization of mutual goals, training programs and events.
CoJDS provides financial incentives and subsidies, and an amalgam of formal and informal endeavors which together empower Day School administrators towards the achievement of excellence in their roles of educational leadership.
The Consortium works in partnership with schools to formulate and apply an individualized support system tailored to each institution's distinctive character.
CoJDS has developed a variety of approaches for the assessment, evaluation, and definition of a day school's particular needs, as well as the resources necessary to facilitate and fulfill those objectives.