Conversation Among Administrators Webinar 01.19.21 and 02.08.21 One RSVP works for either or both Webinars.
January 11, 2021
Central East Regional Conference (Cincinnati): Responsibilty-Centered Discipline 04.26.21
March 8, 2021A Conversation Among Administrators: Professional Development
SKU: Event_2021_01_19_Conversation_Among_Educators_Webinar_PD
Category: Past Events
Stressed teachers, stressed administrators, distance learning, social distancing.
This year has presented many unique challenges including just getting through the day.
Were you able to provide professional development this year?
Was your staff responsive?
What do you have planned going forward?
Join a conversation with:
Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Loiterman
Head of School, Eitz Chaim Schools, Toronto
Rabbi Yehuda Gabay
Associate Principal, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School, OH
Tanya Rubin, M.Ed
General Studies Principal, Rohr Bais Chaya Academy, Tamarac, FL