Understanding Bracha Achrona STUDENT Edition
July 29, 2021
Early Childhood Regional Conference: Engaging the Whole Child 11.02.21
October 4, 2021
Lilmond U’lilamed: Rabbi Zev Leff 08.22.21
SKU: Event_2021_08_22_Leff
Category: Past Events
Consortium of Jewish Day Schools
would like to invite you to virtually attend a special shiur by
by Rabbi Zev Leff
Mara D’Asra, Moshav Mattisyahu, Israel
on the topic of
“The Importance of Chinuch, Some Fundamental Foundations, and the Characteristics of a Successful Mechanech”
Sunday, August 22, 2021
1:00-2:00PM EST
This webinar will serve as the commencement of the 2021 series of webinars presented to our Lilmod U’Lilamed Chinuch Training Program.
CoJDS recently launched a new chinuch initiative, Lilmod U’lilamed, designed especially for Chaverei HaKollel. As there are numerous Jewish day schools seeking Rebbeim, the program is designed to support yungeleit that are considering segueing into careers in chinuch. The ultimate goal of the program is that yungeleit, already in Community Kollels, consider starting their careers in their respective “out-of-town” communities.
For more information, please email Rabbi Zecharia Weitz at [email protected]
MEETING ID: 829 7429 8739
PASSCODE: 362073
In response to this initiative, HaRav Shalom Kamenetsky, shlit”a, said:
“The lack of מחנכים for the out-of-town מוסדות החינוך is a real problem, and yungeleit, such as yourselves, that already see the importance of הפצת והרבצת התורה in the outlying areas, can readily understand the need for better חינוך in these places as well. It’s a golden opportunity to be trained in חינוך and possibly consider a future in תינוקות של בית רבן.”