The Empowered Teacher: Using Digital Data for Targeted Teaching WEBINAR 12.23.20
December 7, 2020
Conversation Among Administrators Webinar 01.19.21 and 02.08.21 One RSVP works for either or both Webinars.
January 11, 2021The Mindset of Becoming a Mechanech
SKU: Event_2021_01_05_The_Mindset_of_Becoming_A_Mechanech
Category: Past Events
Consortium of Jewish Day Schools
would like to invite you to virtually attend a special shiur by
by HaRav Ahron Lopiansky, shlit”a,
Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva of Greater Washington
on the topic of
“The Mindset of Becoming a Mechanech”
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
7:30-8:30PM EST
The shiur is being given as a hakdama and chizuk for members of our
Lilmod Ul’lamed Program
but the message and concepts are relevant to anyone involved in Harbatzas HaTorah.
CoJDS recently launched a new chinuch initiative, Lilmod Ul’lamed, designed especially for Chaverei HaKollel. As there are numerous Jewish day schools requiring Rebbeim, the program is designed to support yungeleit that are considering segueing into careers in chinuch. The ultimate goal of the program is to stimulate the prospect that yungeleit, already in Community Kollels, consider starting their careers in their respective “out-of-town” communities.
For more information, please email Rabbi Zecharia Weitz at [email protected]