Early Childhood Regional Conference: Engaging the Whole Child 11.02.21
October 4, 2021
Parshat Bo 14 Standard Version
October 18, 2021JSAT Level 8 Skills Review – Online Courses
This product provides students with access to three online courses where they can practice and develop JSAT Level 8 skills.
The first course is a Chumash Vocabulary course. This course consists of 8 units and enables students to master all 282 vocabulary words on the JSAT Level 8 Vocabulary word list. Units start with easier words and work their way up. The final unit consists of fifty random questions which students can attempt multiple times.
Once students have mastered a basic vocabulary, they are ready for the second course which is a Chumash Decoding Skills course. This course consists of thirty units and covers critical topics such as being able to identify the root of a word, be able to translate prefixes and suffixes etc. The course contains over six hundred practice questions each targeted to one of the JSAT Level 8 Chumash Decoding Skills standards. For a full list of standards and the contents covered, please see this Chumash Decoding Skills guide.
The third course is a Dinim/Yediot Klaliot course. This course has 28 units and covers nearly all of the JSAT Dinim/Yediot Klaliot Standards. Units are generally divided by topics such as a particular holiday or set of halachot.
These courses are self-guided, and students are meant to master the first skill within a course before proceeding to the next one. Students have access to their results and can track how they have improved over time. In addition, spaced repetition reminders are built into the course in order to encourage students to review as needed. These practice units are most appropriate for students in grades 7-8.
The cost is per student and is available for purchase by both schools and individual students. At this time, principals and administrators have limited access to student results if they purchase the product directly for their students. For any questions about this product, please email [email protected]
Click here for a short video about this product Click here to attempt a sample unit (sign in required)