Hachana L’Chumash 1B Spanish Version Color
August 6, 2020
P35 Shorashim Poster Set
September 24, 2020L’havin U’lehaskil QUIZALIZE Assessments
Click on the magnifying glass above to view more images
Click here to view L’havin Standards Grades 2-5
Click here to view L’havin U’lehaskil Unit Assessment Breakdown
Click here to view a short video on the assessment platform
The L’havin U’lehsakil assessment platform allows administrators and educators to obtain immediate data on student achievement. The data demonstrate exactly which of the L’havin standards have been mastered by students and which need reinforcement. Staff training is included with purchase. Please email [email protected] to arrange.
The platform contains assessments for grades 2-4 including summmative, unit based assessments and review activities (per workbook), and skills based assessments. All content is customizable. Teachers can also create their own standard aligned content that can be given to students; as a quiz, for homework or to play in class on a digital device. Data integrates with Google Classroom as well. (Not required)
Want more info? Schedule a private demo session with a L’havin advisor and get all your questions answered. Please email [email protected] to schedule.
The $10 fee is per student and enables a teacher to assign any assessment that is on the platform to any student. Teacher accounts are included.
Please note: This is primarily an online product and replaces the previous L’havin assessments. There is also an option for students to take paper-based assessments with this product.
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