Shmuel / Oze L'malko

The Shmuel Curriculum is a Navi teacher’s dream come true! Drawing upon authentic Torah sources and years of classroom experience, the Curriculum Guide is an extensive lesson plan template featuring pasuk-by-pasuk explanations, relevant questions and answers designed to encourage critical thinking skills, and classroom tips and ideas. The practical lessons learned from the Navi and meforshim are made relevant to today’s students, connections to tefila and other areas of Tanach are highlighted, and connections to prakim of tehilim are explored in-depth in the Tehilim Appendix (Part II). Brilliantly formatted in a user-friendly style, the guide includes charts, maps, family trees, stories, meshalim, and more. The meticulously researched sources are included as footnotes for easy reference.

The accompanying student workbook offers a full range of flexible assessment options for teachers, with beautifully formatted sections reviewing each unit through both textual and content-focused questions. Teachers can select assessments based on their class goals and utilize the wealth of resources packed into the workbooks, including people and places flashcards, maps, end-of-year assessment and review activities, and Tehilim Appendix bonus questions. Students will appreciate the unique variety of review questions and appealing layout, graphics and illustrations.

“The innovative Shmuel materials afford a turnkey curriculum for both novice and veteran day school teachers targeting conceptual, critical and creative thinking skills.  A breakthrough gem of a curriculum, sure to qualitatively enrich students’ hashkafic analysis and textual skillset development in their study of Navi.”

Mrs. Miriam Gettinger, Principal, Hasten Hebrew Academy of Indianapolis, IN

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