Chumash Skills Review Curriculum

A newly updated and edited Chumash Skills Curriculum for all of your Chumash learners! This curriculum will reteach, review, rehearse and solidify Chumash skills for mastery in all Chumash classrooms. A one-of-a-kind, original skills curriculum that enhances every student’s mastery of deciphering a text.

The curriculum comes with both student and teacher edition workbooks for each volume. Skill lessons can be divided to teach a particular skill in isolation or used simultaneously with teaching the Pesukim inside. The workbooks offer a full range of practice on each appropriate grade level, creating a scope and sequence of skills throughout elementary and middle school. Pages are formatted with creative activities and engaging games for each grade individually.

Students will be strengthening their Chumash skills without even knowing!

Additionally, this curriculum is accompanied by the Quizalize assessment platform which will provide real time feedback on student’s skill comprehension and mastery. By reviewing the data from the Quizalize assessment, proper review and practice of particular skills can be instituted and reviewed with ease.

For more information and to see how this program can be instituted and used best in your school, please reach out to Elissa Hochbaum: [email protected]

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